A world that’s both digital, fantastical and possibly closer to those old children’s books you have on your shelf than you think — The Plucky Squire will be available for gamers and adventurers alike on 17 September.A world that’s both digital, fantastical and possibly closer to those old children’s books you have on your shelf than you think.
At the centre of The Plucky Squire is a story about the magical: a youthful hero ripped from the confines of text-driven storytelling, injected into a richly immersive 3D world replete with vibrant colour and life. Haunted only by the phantoms of uncertainty and fear, Plucky sets out with a mere sword and an unbridled sense of adventure that, paired with quick reflexes and a deductive nature, will take you across a sequence of landscapes as recognisably inviting as they are surprisingly fresh.
This stylish romp will have players constantly moving, jumping between worlds and moments in time as they explore and interact with living books. In addition to being intuitive and time-bending, the gameplay is also thought-provoking, with its blend of puzzle-solving and combat. The Plucky Squire will challenge players to think creatively.
But what makes The Plucky Squire truly distinctive is its visual sensibility. Prismatic hues splattered across spiral-bound mechanicals, a painting of the four-colour world littered with liner notes. So much more than just scene dressing, the game’s minutiae and chromaticism are portals into a world teeming with lore and overflowing with ambient detail. The game invites you to look twice, to look thrice, to look again.
The more time gamers spend just wandering around in the vivid margins of this world, the more surprises they’ll find, and the more fun they’ll have. Plucky Squire isn’t merely a series of waypoints in a pretty countryside – it’s a world packed into every square inch, with layers of lore and narrative detail, secrets everywhere to unlock. The wonder of discovery is always just outside of the player’s view.
After a triumphant launch this September, The Plucky Squire promises to start popping up on devices near you. From PC to PlayStation to Nintendo Switch to Xbox, this splashy little adventure is ready to brighten up your world. You can preorder The Plucky Squire today.
If game titles today are often shouty and over-promising, The Plucky Squire works on the strength of what being playable is really about: the visceral core of what makes a game stay with you, not just because you can see the bright colours, but because you left a piece of yourself there when you played it. It’s the sheer visceral thrill of discovery, and with it, the sense of how games can be at once a looking glass and a looking eagle: reflecting something back at us in our own excitement, and allowing us to see into worlds that are new to us as well. With its red heart, The Plucky Squire is an homage to those age-old stories that fuel our imagination, and it serves as a reminder that there might be a bit of the plucky squire hiding behind every page, along with every pixel. And come 17 September, those pages will be turned. A bright, bold new chapter will begin.
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