There’s currently a lot of Quidditch fever in the air. Signalling its official release date, the highly anticipated Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions has finally unveiled the well-awaited 31 July. Fans of the wizarding world have circled this day on their calendars and, as Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions prepares to nudge Quidditch into a new era, it looks set to bring a whole group of gamers into the fold of one of the most popular magical sports in fiction. Taking a look at just how, exactly, this game aims to be the one to have us all racing to our broomsticks.
But fans of Harry Potter already know that quidditch is far more than just a sport. It’s a spectacular magical experience, a breathtaking game played on flying broomsticks. It’s the stuff dreams are made of. Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions brings the feeling to the forefront like never before, allowing you to flex your muscles as a pro quidditch player who could be the next Harry Potter or one of the Weasley siblings.
To keep the Harry Potter series’ legacy alive, Unbroken Studios’ Quidditch Champions, scheduled for Fall 2024, will continue the trend started by the divisive Hogwarts Legacy this February. Quidditch Champions promises to rekindle fan love for the series and rehabilitate critical fatigue by honouring the series’ original magic and bringing the wonder of wizard sports to a mass audience.
At Summer Game Fest 2024, Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions was unveiled. Based on a young witch’s rise to Quidditch fame, the game promises to deliver a story-driven experience for new and old Harry Potter fans alike. No further details on gameplay have been revealed, but the promise of ‘authentic-to-series Quidditch gameplay’ should be enough to rouse the imagination of every Harry Potter fan on the planet.
Intriguingly, while Quidditch Champions stands as a standalone title, it also provides an interesting bridge to its predecessor, Hogwarts Legacy. Players who link their accounts across the games unlock the Bonus Legacy Pack, a set of in-game extras, which includes the Moontrimmer Broom Skin. Equally intriguing is that the combination of experiences enriches the legacy of the modern Harry Potter videogame canon.
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions will be available to all gamers on 3 September, when it is released for PC (via Steam and Epic Games Store) as well as PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch. Gamers with PlayStation Plus accounts benefit from access on day one. The launch will be a global phenomenon, bringing the wizarding world’s most exciting sport to life.
From its inception, the Harry Potter series has flourished in a near-infinite variety of media. Authors, directors and developers have spun the magical world of JK Rowling into books, movies, theme parks and endless video-game adaptations. Now, Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions brings the Harry Potter series to a new medium, presenting fans with another way to interact with one of the most influential cultural events of our century.
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, releasing soon, pays tribute to the series’ legacy: by returning to the most popular element in the world of wizarding, a game can draw fans closer together while providing a fun sports experience. The game is an homage to the magic of Harry Potter and, ultimately, to the magic of storytelling, imagination and cosmology.
Ultimately, until Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions takes flight, it’s clear the legacy is far from Quittich. With a magical video game, Harry Potter fans can spread their broom, spout the global game, and catch the Golden Snitch all over the world. The game and the sport of Quidditch are themselves a competition, but, more importantly, they are a chance to play in Harry Potter’s world. A world where the magic is real, where dreams can fly, and where the legacy of Harry Potter soars.
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