Unveiling the Future: Dream Features for APPLE's VisionOS 2.0

Apple is an innovator at the vanguard of technological change, constantly improving how the human hand interacts with technology. However, with the Apple Vision Pro debut, another space has opened that will change the way the digital and physical world intermingle. But there is always room for improvement, and with WWDC right around the corner, we have to wonder, what will VisionOS 2.0 bring to the table?

Embracing Universal Connectivity: Beyond the APPLE Ecosystem

Full Mouse Support: An Overdue Update

The lack of mouse compatibility in the debut version of Apple’s immersive tech – the Vision Pro – was seen as a missed opportunity to set a high bar for user preference. However, Apple could take the lead in recognising the spectrum of user peripherals and offer full mouse support in VisionOS 2.0, expanding beyond the Magic Mouse to embrace third-party devices with open arms.

Enhanced Bluetooth Compatibility: A Call for Inclusivity

Right now, it is as if each non-Apple Bluetooth device is a wall, and pairing the Vision Pro to them is like navigating a maze. The next Apple software release could have knockdown all these walls to make the experience seamless with every single Bluetooth accessory from every manufacturer. Not only will it make the experience better for everyone, but it will also let Apple regain ownership of its role as a technology company.

Refining User Experience: A Glimpse into an Accessible Digital World

Keyboard and Workspace Passthrough: Bridging Virtual and Physical

This hyper-immersive VR setting, while eye-popping, cuts us off from our physical work tools – our keyboards, coffee cups and various extensions – and so, VisionOS 2.0 must include a passthrough option that rehashes the casual, intuitive reality swap of IR headsets, so users can cycle back to their physical workspaces as needed to maintain productivity and comfort.

Relaxing Media Restrictions: A Step towards Flexibility

However, the Vision Pro’s current restrictive policies around media (you cannot even recast your screen to an Apple TV+ show you are watching on your phone) make it very difficult to use the Vision Pro as a shared entertainment device. Even a slight relaxation of these restrictions on the use of certain media (like Apple TV+ content) could change the Vision Pro into a device that augments collaborative and shared viewing experiences, taking digital entertainment to the next level.

Expanding the Realm of Possibilities: More Spaces, More Control

A World of Spatial Apps and Environments

The evolution of immersive spaces has just begun. VisionOS 2.0 ought to continue expanding the library. But it would not have to merely bolster native apps such as Maps with spatial capabilities. It could also empower third-party developers, luring app-makers to create new, immersive spaces in their very own apps. The possibilities are endless. This would enrich the Vision Pro ecosystem with rich new worlds of experiences for users to work in and play with.

Boundless Physical Play Space and Controller Support

A larger play space and support for normal VR controllers are two qualities that come top of mind as requested improvements. Both would expand the utility of the Vision Pro for a much greater range of activities and playstyles, and therefore stand as a major milestone for immersive tech.

Toward a More Intuitive Future: The Art of Fine-Tuning

Precision in Hand and Eye Tracking: The Quest for Accuracy

Despite all the innovation of hand and eye tracking, after implementation of VisionOS 2.0, it’s clear that they still leave a lot to be desired. Accelerometers are not yet used to full effect in terms of the speed of interaction with the virtual world. Trawling through layers of menus is still very frustrating and you can’t select an item precisely from a small array on a virtual tabletop if it is a whisker away from your arm. VisionOS 2.0 will have to make these features more precise and responsive to improve this integral interaction.

Integrating Find My and Refining Personas

The lack of the Find My app, as well as the somewhat creepy personas that are part of the current Vision Pro experience, is an area where more development is needed. Find My as part of Vision 2.0 of VisionOS could make some actions as well as just locating your phone much more useful and secure. Reinvented personas could make the experience moresoothing to interact with, and less creepy.

Exploring the Core: The APPLE Philosophy

In each feature request, each piece of user feedback, you can hear the style of vision that animates Apple’s drive to innovate. In anticipation of VisionOS 2.0, you can feel the faith of a community that’s been led to believe that Apple truly can design its own future, even if that future has to be shared. By making this future more inclusive and intuitive, and hybridising our physical world and digital information in a way that enhances user experience, Apple is once again pointing the way.

On the eve of WWDC, our dreams soar to the heavens with us as we imagine the many ways these proposed updates to VisionOS might unlock the full potential of immersive technology, from bridging connectivity issues like those faced by the current model of the Vision Pro, to refining the user interface into something more useful to everyday tasks, to adding an ecosystem of apps and environments. Either way, each proposed update to VisionOS 2.0 holds, in my mind, the promise of reshaping Apple’s future.

Jun 10, 2024
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