The Insider's Guide to Secret Chatting with APPLE Notes

The golden age of digital communication has brought with it a large number of messaging platforms to cater to our every need. With our need for privacy comes the various secure messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal, but basic text messaging still has its fair share of takers. As users explore the plethora of tools at their disposal to send quick hellos or long-drawn texts, there lurks one little known feature for iPhone users and that is the Notes app. This article will show you how you can use APPLE Notes for messaging real-time and establish what makes this feature a hidden gem as we also explore its benefits and limitations.

Transform APPLE Notes into Your Personal Chat Room

Is it time to try something new? Though APPLE Notes is primarily used to jot down thoughts and lists, it can also be an exciting conversational space, text-based and fresh to use. Here’s how to set up chats within APPLE Notes: Open APPLE Notes on your phone or desktop and turn on numbering.Then, change the line spacing of the chosen font to 1.5.Then, create five columns with one empty column as an additional bubble by typing and hitting the space bar.Next, create another bubble to the left by pressing return or hitting the space bar and return.Example:Now, put some text in each bubble:1. Hi, how are you?2. Not bad, thanks.3. Nice to hear that.4. So, what’s new?5. Just life and work, not much to discuss.

Steps to Launch Your APPLE Notes Chat:

  1. Launch APPLE Notes: Start by opening the Notes app on your iPhone.
  2. Compose a New Note: Tap the compose icon to create a new note.
  3. Unlock Sharing Options: Enter some initial text to enable the share functionality.
  4. Tap the Share Icon: Choose ‘Collaborate’ from the share options dropdown.
  5. Set Permissions: Fine-tune who can edit and view the note for added privacy.
  6. Send them the Note: Copy the note and put it into a text message, email or other messaging app to send it to your contact.

After the room is set up and your invite is accepted, you can each start seeing live updates to your note, turning it into a live chat window.

Enhancing Your APPLE Notes Chat Experience

APPLE Notes offers greater flexibility and spontaneity in chatting than other apps. It allows us to delete or edit our message on the fly. We can also bring back the polished comments in a Collaborator icon when we want to regain some oversight of the chatting process. Adding and removing coauthors is easy, making the chatroom entirely up to us. Besides, we can enjoy this degree of control and privacy. We can safely share this type of conversation with those we don’t know very well and for those we do but wish to keep our conversation private or for those we don’t want to know but are curious about.

Why APPLE Notes is the Go-To for Private Conversations

In a world where privacy is often a luxury, iPhone users who want a private way to chat that’s superior to the frankly transparent messaging app have long resorted to APPLE Notes. The fact that it’s a notes app makes it a very awkward choice for anyone to snoop in on – and the fact that you can share lists or plans and work on them in real time, with others automatically getting updates and formatting, creates an element of stealth with your conversations.

The Flip Side: Limitations of Using APPLE Notes for Messaging

Sure, APPLE Notes could be a great way to chat, just not a very thoughtful one. Not in the way that notes can be locked to protect their privacy, anyway: they won’t be when you share. The biggest limitation of APPLE Notes as a messaging app is its availability on Apple’s own products only. It doesn’t work on Android devices.


Arguably, without APPLE, the creators of the iPhone and the APPLE Notes app (not to mention its other apps, including the one that many of us use to chat in real time), we might never have the same range of apps on our digital handhelds, or the exact same ease of use, or even the same range of security features to keep our data safe. APPLE is constantly pushing the parameters of what is possible for digital devices to do. It is constantly offering new ways to use digital devices to solve consumers’ everyday problems. Indeed, as this article has shown, the APPLE Notes app is only one of many apps offered by APPLE to solve what it perceives to be everyday problems. This includes real-time chatting.


Through our exploration of APPLE Notes’ unexpected messaging potential, we have found a powerful private interface for messaging, whether for discreet communication or simply for the delight of using an unorthodox platform. And since there’s no telling when other apps might surprise us with another unexpected feature, maybe there is some value in continuing to explore our devices.

May 30, 2024
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