iPhone 5s

5 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade From iPhone 5S

Did you know that the iPhone is the most popular mobile phone in the US? This isn’t a surprise as Apple has been continuously at the forefront of technological advancements. New innovations and additions make the newer models more appealing than the previous ones.But have you resisted the urge to upgrade from your current iPhone 5S? Don’t get us wrong, iPhone 5S is a great phone. This seventh-generation iPhone was the first to introduce fingerprint sensor technology. The days to manually enter a PIN were left behind, replaced by a Touch ID.In 2013, when iPhone 5S was released, it might have been an excellent choice. But it’s 2020 now, and Apple has progressed to the 13th generation of the iPhone. Considering how fast technology changes, you can imagine the advancements achieved in seven years.The technology has changed dramatically, and that is a viable reason to sell your iPhone 5S. Here are a few things that iPhone 5S lacks. Take a look.

1. The screen of the iPhone 5S doesn’t even come close to the newer models.

 1. The screen of the iPhone 5S doesn’t even come close to the newer models. It is more than 60 per cent smaller than iPhone X or 11. The joy of use derived from the newer models is incomparable. Whether you enjoy watching Netflix, playing video games or creating media content, the 13th generation of the iPhone will give you a much more positive experience than iPhone 5S’s tiny display. 

2.Does your iPhone 5S hang up as soon as you try to run multiple applications?

 2.Does your iPhone 5S hang up as soon as you try to run multiple applications? Well, this is to be expected. Its A7 Processor worked well when it was released. A 64-bit ARM processor running at 1.29Ghz ran fast, but not so much now. The latest iPhone 11 A13 Bionic is quite powerful. To put it in numbers, it’s capable of running 1 trillion operations per second. The difference is impossible to ignore.

3.For avid photographers, iPhone 5S just won’t make the cut.

 3.For avid photographers, iPhone 5S just won’t make the cut. Compared to the newer dual and triple cameras, the 5S’s 8MP rear camera is nothing spectacular. If you want to take your Instagram game to the next level, sell iPhone 5S and get an iPhone X or 11.4.In today’s life, a mobile phone is capable of combining the purpose of several other devices. It’s your camera, music player, work computer, e-reader, television, game player, wallet and so much more. This implies there is a requirement for more storage, which iPhone 5S doesn’t deliver. The storage capacity of 5S ends at 64 GB, where the storage capacity of iPhone 11 Pro begins and goes up to an impressive 512 GB! So, instead of deciding which photos to delete, keep them all with a new iPhone.5.Better battery life is something that iPhone users always desired. Over time the battery of your iPhone will inevitably degrade. If you bought your iPhone 5S in 2013, it probably is losing its battery faster than it used to. The latest model will serve you much better.iPhone 5S was a great option around the time it was released. But phones today are designed and released keeping planned obsolescence in mind. Sell iPhone 5S and make your everyday life smoother and faster with the latest iPhone.
