Juicing Up Your Journey: Navigating the EV Landscape with Expert Insights

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is gathering pace with a flood of innovation and green motoring that puts petrol cars in the shade. People are switching to EVs, and what is great about this is that they need help to navigate their way. Taking the lead is the podcast Two Blokes Talking Electric Cars, which is hosted by Stephen Fenech from Tech Guide and Trevor Long from EFTIM. In this article I plug you into their latest episode, and give you a seat at the front.

The CHARGE Towards EV Ownership

Stephen and Trevor’s new episode hopscotches around the EV-driving journeys of current owners and folks who will soon be EV owners. Kristen describes her anticipation of making the leap to drive EVs by buying a new Volvo EV. She also shares the questions swirling in many soon-to-be EV owners’ minds. Meanwhile, Chris, who drives a Tesla and a Volvo EV, describes what it’s like to tackle life with two EVs – and how EVs make daily driving and long road trips more fun. Their conversations reflect the thoughts and decisions of thousands as they make the leap toward EVs.

CHARGING Into the Details: How Much is Just Right?

And the question that underpins much of the conversation: how much do I keep in my EV? Leo In this case, it was Leo wondering about EV maintenance, and how much to pay for it. It’s part of the ‘new normal’ that EV drivers have to learn, as charging becomes our replacement for fuelling: EV drivers have to master the basics. By understanding EV charging and what it entails, we can maintain them properly, and enjoy them more.

Electrifying Insights for Future and Current EV Owners

It will help you if you make the EV journey guided by those who have walked ahead of you The episode gets into the nitty-gritty of selecting an EV – range anxiety, charging infrastructure and the environmental impact of electric cars. For those who are about to switch, it maps out the road.

The CHARGE of Joining the EV Conversation

Audience participation is one of the most important features of ‘Two Blokes Talking Electric Cars’. They encourage listeners to text or WhatsApp questions, transforming the show into a communal hothouse for the discussion of all things EV.

Tuning In: The CHARGE of Accessibility

You can listen to it on audio, or you can watch it on video. Go online to the Tech Guide site and you can view the show via a simple audio player, or watch the video on YouTube. This is how the important EV discussion should be delivered.

Understanding the CHARGE

At its heart, the charge is the energy in the EV’s battery that drove you all the way to that destination. It’s a literal and symbolic driver of the EV trip. Learning how to manage the charge – when to charge, how much to charge, the different ways of charging (home, rapid, fast and slow, etc) – is essential for all EV drivers, past, present and future.

And the debate about paying doesn’t end with the simple task of topping up the battery. It continues through an ever-increasing vocabulary of electric use, the cost of charging at home against public stations, ways of stretching your mileage and life between charges and seemingly magical wheels. It’s an important subject of debate, demystifying what happens on the far side of the electric curtain, and giving EV owners and enthusiasts a sense of choice and control.

And with the momentum of the EV wave picking up, podcasts and other podders like ‘Two Blokes Talking Electric Cars’ are there to bring us the EV conversations we need to hear – talking us through the EV stuff we might not know, and the questions we should be asking to help our industry develop into a viable and exciting transportation option for all. Stepping onto the EV scene as either a current EV driver trying to figure out the nuances of the charging world, or if you’re in the EV-curious or batteries-charged perspective of total excitement about your electric future, pay attention to these chatterings and you’ll hear the path forward. Just know that listening in is actually worth more than just some listening. Every time Stephen and Trevor talk EVs, they are actually charging up the conversation with podcast information and podcast community too.

Jun 17, 2024
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