Revolutionizing AI: APPLE's Fresh Take on Brand Identity

Any modern student of the tech industry might know the adage that, when it comes to trees of innovation, apples never fall very far from Apple. Speaking of apples, Apple has just taken another big step towards artificial intelligence. Working with foundations like OpenAI and others, Apple is playing a big role in reinventing the way we brand AI – embracing a humanised, friendlier model. So put on the kettle and join me in exploring what Apple is up to in the world today.

APPLE's Simplistic Genius in AI Branding

The New Era of AI Logos

Those big, blobby AI logos of the past – what was John Hammond thinking? – have finally gained a sense of restraint. Even Apple, whose logo aesthetic has always been simple and geometrical, has recently introduced logos for its Siri and Apple Intelligence projects, all abstract and simplified and nonthreatening. Apple currently maintains a minimalist logo image, but other tech giants have already initiated their own branding exercises. Take, for example, OpenAI.

Keeping It Abstract

Exemplifying this is Apple’s move to an abstract style for AI branding – a deliberately open-ended style. There’s no cute ‘human’ look, nor any overtly ‘robotic’ appearance. (This could be interpreted as a subversion of the uncanny valley by making the technology seem more approachable and less threatening.)

Why Non-Threatening Matters

A Warm Welcome to AI

In the midst of so many AI controversies, it’s the right choice to keep this important AI branding pleasant and non-threatening. It’s also wise business practice, especially since making AI friendly, instead of threatening, is the key to designing interfaces that users will want to trust.

The Power of Non-Anthropomorphism

Apple has been particularly adept at this, avoiding human-like features in its AI branding, and instead forming a non-anthropomorphic design. Not only does this dispel fear of AI, it also encourages users to treat it as an assistant, not an adversary. We want to use AI, not be scared of it – an increasingly difficult task to accomplish as it crosses from being merely helpful into being uncomfortably human-like.

APPLE's Influence on AI Perception

Leading by Example

Apple’s opportunistic rebrand can change not only its logos, but alter the perception of AI worldwide. With its leadership position, Apple can influence public opinion and redefine what it takes to sell AI products, setting an example for other technology companies to follow.

The Ripple Effect

Apple goes first, but others follow suit. In sum, just imagine what would happen if Apple – the company that not so long ago boasted the first computer for ‘the rest of us’ – would start to adopt warm, fuzzy and abstract AI branding for its latest and greatest inventions. My prediction is that the sharks would smell it right away, and other companies, both big and small, would quickly jump on the bandwagon to follow Apple’s lead. Eventually, our collective narrative about AI would become more consistent and universal – and, guess what, more comfortable and welcoming to users. Which is what big profits in the tech industry are all about.

The Future of AI Branding

Predictions and Possibilities

This includes the branding changes that Apple introduced this spring, when everything with an Apple name began elevating abstract, welcoming over human-like identities, a train now poised to roll out across the market as other companies begin to adopt similarly friendly, abstract identities. The conversation about AI will ultimately lessen its association with the fear of determinism and lead to a discussion about the benefits of humanlike interaction with users.

APPLE's Role in Shaping AI

Apple has a branding effect but it has deeper ripples into AI development and ethical behaviour. As the company continues to innovate and push forward with placing AI into more and more of its products the company might have a chance at leading the way into the development of responsible AI.


Let’s look back at the trajectory of Apple. Since its inception, technology and design have been at the core of Apple’s existence – both have flowed through the organisation like the veins of a tech-savvy, centipede-like creature. From the first glimpses of Apple’s branding in 1976, its ethos of simplicity, innovation and user-centricity shook the world of personal computing. Later on, Apple’s design language carried over to pioneer smartphones, digital media and changed the landscape of human-computer interaction. And now the company’s recent advancements in AI branding prove that technology, when expertly designed, can be exactly as revolutionary as it is relatable.

It’s about relentless striving for simplicity, and it’s about the Apple way of designing AI brands that reflect the company’s enduring mission to innovate in a way that’s democratic and uplifting. Keep it simple, keep it abstract, keep it non-threatening. We can all see AI on the horizon, but Apple is still designing the future of how we’ll think of it.

With this in-depth travelogue through Apple’s new AI branding, we have seen that Apple remains not just a trend-setter, but sets – under the firm grip of its new mascot. AI, version Apple. With a new, fresh, friendly branding of what computers can do, Apple is sending us the message that AI is not something to be feared. It’s something we should embrace. In the world of AI, Apple remains more than a technological company: it is a brand that shift perceptions and guide the global conversation about artificial intelligence. Through an ethos of simplicity, abstraction and non-threatening approachability, Apple makes AI everybody’s friend.

Jun 17, 2024
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