Samsung or iPhone? For photos and other functions!

Samsung or iPhone? For photos and other functions!

You’re going to take a lot of photos with your new smartphone? Of course, you will, especially in the first few months after you bought it. Statistics show that the average American takes about 20 photos with their smartphone. That’s just the average, and we are quite sure some people, especially younger folks and those who are into photography, take a lot more.Samsung or iPhone for photos, you might be wondering, and it is a very reasonable question. After all, these are the two most popular and most used smartphones in the world. We are going to compare the two newest, most advanced versions of the Samsung Galaxy S and the iPhone, respectively, and see which one is better for photos.

The Galaxy is more expensive, but the iPhone isn’t cheap either

This matchup of Samsung or iPhone for photos that look amazing is actually a comparison between the Samsung Galaxy S20 and iPhone 11 Pro Max. These are the two most advanced versions of Samsung Galaxy and iPhone, respectively. The iPhone 11 Pro Max is part of the iPhone 11 series, and it was released towards the end of 2019. Its Galaxy counterpart, the S20 Ultra, is part of the S20 series, which was released at the beginning of 2020.With the S20, Samsung is looking to make up for some of the lost ground after Apple managed to sell more units than Samsung in the fourth quarter of 2019. This hasn’t happened in quite a while, as Samsung generally sells a lot more items.Be that as it may, let’s start our comparison. Before we move on to the cameras, let us say a few words on the prices. The basic version of the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra is $1,399, whereas the cheapest version of the iPhone is $1,099. However, it should be noted that the Galaxy supports 5G connectivity and that if you opt-in for the iPhone that has a 256GB storage capacity, you will need to pay $1,249. Bear in mind that the iPhone doesn’t support microSD cards.

The Galaxy seems to be superior

The fact that the Galaxy has four rear cameras, as opposed to three rear cameras on the iPhone really speaks volumes on its own. Is it better to get a Samsung or iPhone for photos seems to be an easier question than first thought. The Galaxy comes with a 108MP wide camera and a 48MP telephoto camera, plus two additional rear cameras. All three cameras on the iPhone are 12MP, and that is a tremendous difference.If you like to zoom in on objects that are far away from you, again, the Samsung is superior with x10 lossless zoom and an astonishing digital zoom of x100. The iPhone, on the other hand, comes with an x2 optical zoom and a digital zoom that is ten times weaker when compared to the Samsung.And if you are a fan of taking selfies, well, again it’s the Galaxy that has better hardware capabilities. Namely, the front camera on the S20 Ultra is 40MP, whereas the camera on the 11 Pro Max is just 12MP.


Is Samsung or iPhone camera better? Let’s find out!