5 Important Tips to Keep in Mind While Selling Your Latest iPhone


If you have been using one of the latest iPhone models but couldn’t enjoy it to the fullest, you may start feeling the need for selling it off.

But these devices cost a lot of money at the time of purchase. Selling them off may not always get you a great deal.

That’s why it’s essential to use the right tips and tricks that can help you sell your phone for a good price. And in this post, we are sharing five of those tips.

1. Find a Good Place to Sell

The deal that you get for your latest iPhone is going to depend a lot on the place that you choose to sell it on.

Of course, you can sell it to a friend, relative or at a physical store near you. However, some online portals still remain the best choice for selling your used phones.

These websites can offer you credit for your phone or pay you via cash or account transfer as well. And their prices are reasonable. Plus the selling process is hassle-free. So, whether you are about to sell your iPhone 11 Pro or iPhone XS Max, these portals can be of great help.

2. Don’t Be In a Hurry

Many times people selling their iPhones may lose patience while trying to pull off a good deal.

As a result, they may sell the device for an amount which is too low based on the phone’s condition.

If you don’t want to lose money like that, don’t rush in. Accept that finding the right buyer may take some time, but the deal is going to be worth the wait.

3. Avoid In Person Deals

While selling your iPhone, you may get a great quote from an unknown person. However, considering the situation right now, it would be better to stay home and avoid in-person deals.

Also, in most cases, judging the genuineness of an in-person deal and the stranger who’s buying the device from you can be tough.

4. Present the Invoice

Considering that your iPhone’s model is one of the latest in the series, you may have preserved the bill as well.

At the time of sale, make sure that you are presenting the invoice to the new buyer. If you are not going to use the same phone again, you may also give away any of the accessories that you were using with it. This will also help you get a good amount for the device that you are selling.

5. Clean Up The Device and Reset It

Before you hand over your iPhone, give it a quick clean up with an electronics cleaning solution. Remove any visible stains, backup your important data and reset the device.

Wrapping Up

Selling your latest iPhone for the deserved price isn’t always as easy as it looks. However, the situation isn’t impossible, either. And in this post, we shared five important tips that can help you get a good price for your latest iPhone.

Hopefully, this was helpful.



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